Monday, June 29, 2009


COUNTDOWN: 6 Days!!!!

So the time is nearing when our little one will be here. I am getting very excited and cannot wait to see our little man! I am also feeling a little bit frightened. I know God is going to take care of us and get us through all of this. After all, He is the one who created Ryder to begin with.

It is amazing to me how much I already love Ryder. I would do anything for him. It is wonderful to see how many other people are already in love with him as well. So many cannot wait to see and meet him....that makes me happy ;-) He is definately going to be spoiled with love.

I just want to now take the time to express how thankful I am to those who have such an impact in my life. God has blessed me beyond belief with you all:

Ladies at work: You guys are wonderful! You have put up with my CRAZY schedule and stubborn child from the beginning. You care about him just as much as I do. Just the fact that I can genuinly say that you all care is HUGE. You all know how to make me laugh on a daily basis and have helped me get through some rollercoaster days that I thought would never be over. I couldn't ask to be working with a better bunch of women right now. Thanks.

Family: Thank you for reassuring me that no matter what things are going to be just the way that God has always wanted them to be. I know that you will all love Ryder no matter what care he requires or how ornry he may be ;-o We will see! You all are always on the edge of your seats to know the newest update on your future little family member. Thanks also for all your prayers. I have always felt them and have seen God's hand in all of this. You have all been there for me to just cry to and express my fears about Ryder's condition. You all understand how hard it is to just be resting in the 'unknowing phase.' It is terrifying and yet you all make me feel like it is okay to be feeling that. Thanks. I love you all so very much!

Church Family: There are so many Sundays where I am almost brought to tears just being amongst such wonderful people. I could have never expected such an outpour of love and kindness from a group of people. You have all showed me Christ's love in a big way. You have given your time, your tears, your prayers, and your gifts. None of it has been taken for granted. I know once Ryder is FINALLY here he is going to so loved and so cared for that we won't know what to do with it all! Thanks. Thanks for being Christ to us.

Friends: We have so many friends that have helped us out in so many ways. Whether it was coming over to help me organize stuff while im in my 'nesting' phase or just sitting doing nothing with me because you know I am completely without energy, you have all always been there. I know you will continue to always be there through whatever God has placed before us. Let me just tell you that we are more than happy to do the same for you all. I couldn't ask for better friends. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. love you rachel.......sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for any time of word or news even now. :o) love you three!
